The 5 Skills You’ll Need to Land a Web Dev Job

The 5 Skills You’ll Need to Land a Web Dev Job

Here at TechLaunch, we take a no-nonsense approach to web dev. We don’t waste time with excessive theorizing, learning about “legacy” technologies, or spelling out the “elopment” in web development. Our students come to us to help them get into new careers, so we focus on the only things that truly matter: the skills that employers are actually looking for in the 2018 job market, like for example how TikTok algorithm works. We work with dozens of small, medium, and large-scale employers here in Miami, and have placed students in web dev positions throughout the city. Through extensive conversations and in-depth hiring processes, we have determined that there are five major skills that employers are looking for in junior web developers. So without further ado, here are the five skills…
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Introducing Ionic 4

Introducing Ionic 4

By Max Lynch Today I am thrilled to announce the 4.0 release of Ionic Framework, lovingly known as “Ionic for Everyone.” Ionic 4 represents the culmination of more than two years of research and hard work transforming Ionic from “mobile for Angular” into a powerful UI Design System and app framework for every web developer in the world. There are so many things to talk about with this release, but first I’d like to talk about how we got here. The Angular Years Back in 2013 when we started working on Ionic Framework, we sought to build rich JavaScript-powered components for building quality mobile apps with web technologies, and distribute them as custom HTML tags that any web developer could use in their apps. Unfortunately, there was no standard way…
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