Hide website SOURCE Code in View Source using One line Hack Code
Let's Start with What is it? - It's Javascript "windows History" Hack. window.history.pushState() Let's take this with an example: Example 1: Actual Login URL: "http://example.com/login" or "http://example.com/login.php" or "http://example.com/login.jsp" or "http://example.com/login.py" or "http://example.com/login.html" Add below javascript code at the footer of your page: <script type="text/javascript"> window.history.pushState(null, null, "/user-login") </script> Now, whenever user will open "http://example.com/login", User will see the login page, but your URL will dynamically get changed to: 'http://example.com/user-login' Anyone doing, "Ctrl+U" or "View-Source", will immediately see either "non-existent page" or if you have set the "/user-login" page with your cool weird text, it will render that. Try the above code in "Console" right away for this page and then do View-Source, You will see page content other (probably 404 error content) then this page . Example 2: Get…