The Secrets to Staying Motivated as a Software Developer

The Secrets to Staying Motivated as a Software Developer

“I don’t want to code this.” “I don’t care anymore.” “Why am I still working here?” That feeling when coding a simple “for” loop seems unbearable. You know you love programming, but it has become boring, frustrating and even painful. You see your coworkers busily at work around you, and you don’t understand how they can stand it anymore. So what happened? How do you move on? How do you keep motivated? Understanding Your Intrinsic Motivations You might not loathe programming yet. But if you’re having doubts about your job, and you’re not doing anything about it, it can only go downwards. Why do you go to work? Like (almost) everyone, your first motivation is probably money. You need money to make a living. However I bet that more money won’t…
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PHP MVC Framework Showdown: 7.1 Performance

PHP MVC Framework Showdown: 7.1 Performance

A simple performance comparison of 6 PHP MVC style frameworks using PHP 7.1. Test Kit: php-framework-benchmarkTest Server: Digital Ocean Ubuntu 16.04.1 x64 2gb / 2CPU droplet.Test Software: PHP 7.1.0, Apache 2.4.18 I used a minimal installation of PHP and Apache with no additional configurations or sever settings changed. Overview The benchmark tool kit executes a simple “hello world”, it does this with the frameworks minimal settings, no database, no debugging and if possible, no template engine. Read more about the testing on the benchmark tool kits page. Results Out of the 6 frameworks tested Codeigniter 3 produced the most requests per second and the least memory usage. Zend Framework 2.5 produced the least requests per second and Laravel 5.3 produced the most memory usage. No framework: 7,094 requests per second,…
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The 5 Skills You’ll Need to Land a Web Dev Job

The 5 Skills You’ll Need to Land a Web Dev Job

Here at TechLaunch, we take a no-nonsense approach to web dev. We don’t waste time with excessive theorizing, learning about “legacy” technologies, or spelling out the “elopment” in web development. Our students come to us to help them get into new careers, so we focus on the only things that truly matter: the skills that employers are actually looking for in the 2018 job market, like for example how TikTok algorithm works. We work with dozens of small, medium, and large-scale employers here in Miami, and have placed students in web dev positions throughout the city. Through extensive conversations and in-depth hiring processes, we have determined that there are five major skills that employers are looking for in junior web developers. So without further ado, here are the five skills…
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Understanding the DNS Process , How Website Is Found

Understanding the DNS Process , How Website Is Found

You might have the best web site design for florists, but do you ask yourself, “What is DNS?” “Do I need to use DNS?”  Do you feel confused? In some cases, DNS can be convoluted and complicated.  Let’s talk about Domain Name System (DNS) services. When you need to access a website, you type the domain name, such as, into the web browser instead of typing an IP address. A conversion happens between to, an IP, which designated to a device on the Internet. This conversion is a DNS query, an integral part of devices connecting with each other to communicate over the internet. To understand the DNS query process, let’s talk about how a DNS query routes through different components, and is important to protect your…
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Use Fetch API for web apps

Use Fetch API for web apps

Fetch API has become the standard for web API requests for a while now and it is supported in almost any modern browsers nowadays. Let’s use Fetch API and implement it for the web Use Fetch API Previously, there are many existing solutions for handling API requests for the web, ex. jQuery Ajax, request (node), axios (node) … why there needs another? Why Fetch API? Fetch API is the standard API being supported native in most of today web browsers. Fetch API is widely supported – Hmm, IE is not supported, you ask? Since Microsoft stopped support for IE, no more development for IE in future, and we will expect very less number of users use IE. Fetch API Specifications The specs of Fetch API is described here, Check…
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Introducing Ionic 4

Introducing Ionic 4

By Max Lynch Today I am thrilled to announce the 4.0 release of Ionic Framework, lovingly known as “Ionic for Everyone.” Ionic 4 represents the culmination of more than two years of research and hard work transforming Ionic from “mobile for Angular” into a powerful UI Design System and app framework for every web developer in the world. There are so many things to talk about with this release, but first I’d like to talk about how we got here. The Angular Years Back in 2013 when we started working on Ionic Framework, we sought to build rich JavaScript-powered components for building quality mobile apps with web technologies, and distribute them as custom HTML tags that any web developer could use in their apps. Unfortunately, there was no standard way…
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Animating URLs with Javascript and Emojis

Animating URLs with Javascript and Emojis

You can use emoji (and other graphical unicode characters) in URLs. And wow is it great. But no one seems to do it. Why? Perhaps emoji are too exotic for normie web platforms to handle? Or maybe they are avoided for fear of angering the SEO gods? Whatever the reason, the overlapping portion on the Venn diagram of "It's Possible v.s. No One Is Doing It" is where my excitement usually lies. Graphically animating URLs is a new thing. So I decided to put a little time into the possibilities of graphical characters in URLs. Specifically, with the possibility for animating these characters by way of some Javascript. Loopin' First off, make sure your page's Javascript code is being labelled as UTF-8 or you're gonna have a bad time putting…
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Understanding Transport Layer Security TLS .

Understanding Transport Layer Security TLS .

              TLS is the critical Internet infrastructure that makes commerce, trust, and confidentiality possible. Transport Layer Security is on the short list for "most important security protocol on the Internet." It is designed to enable client-server applications like web browsers and servers to securely communicate over the Internet, protecting against eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. Each party can know that the other is who they claim to be. TLS is the technological descendant of Secure Sockets Layer and is often referred to casually as SSL. The earlier SSL versions were developed by Netscape Communications. In the late 1990s, after AOL bought Netscape, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) took over the protocol. Version 1.0 of TLS had only small differences compared with SSL 3.0.…
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The Ultimate Guide To Proper Use of Animation in UX

The Ultimate Guide To Proper Use of Animation in UX

Nowadays it’s hard to impress or even surprise with an interface animation. It shows interactions between screens, explains how to use the application or simply directs a user’s attention. While exploring the articles about animation, I found out that almost all of them describe only specific use cases or general facts about animation, but I haven’t come across any article where all rules concerning animation of interfaces would be clearly and practically described. Well, in this article I won’t write anything new, I just want to collect all the main principles & rules in one place, so that other designers who want to start animating interfaces don’t have to search for additional information. Duration and speed of the animation When elements change their state or position, the duration of the…
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What’s New in PHP 7.3 in 30 Seconds in Diffs

What’s New in PHP 7.3 in 30 Seconds in Diffs

No time but eager to hear PHP news? PHP 7.3 is out in December 2018 and it brings 173 changes. Which are the most useful ones? From features that might be the most interesting to those lesser ones, that anybody will rarely use. 1. Comma After the Last Argument Do you know this? $array = [ 1, + 2, ]; We'll be able to do this: $this->someFunction( $arg, + $arg2, ); But still not this: function someFunction( $arg, + $arg2, ) {} Thanks Jacob for pointing this difference out. 25 seconds to go... 2. First and Last Array Key array_key_first $items = [ 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', ]; -reset($items); -$firstKey = key($items); +$firstKey = array_key_first($items); var_dump($firstKey); // 1 array_key_last $items = [ 1 => 'a', 2 => 'b',…
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